Do you suffer with sneezing, itching, intermittent rashes, persistent cough or congested nose and have a family history of asthma, hay fever or eczema? Then you probably do have an allergy.
In our clinics we commonly assess, test, diagnose and treat the following allergic and immune conditions:
- Allergic Asthma and Wheezy Bronchitis
- Chronic Nasal Allergies and Hay Fever
- Allergic Conjunctivitis and Eye AllergiesÂ
- Eczema, Urticaria and Skin AllergyÂ
- Food Allergies and Additive Intolerance
Current allergy management aims to identify the causative agent (the “allergenâ€) and then to remove it from the affected person’s environment. If avoidance measures cannot be implemented the sufferer may need to use preventer and reliever allergies medication. Occasionally desensitisation is used to induce allergen tolerance and reduce the intensity of the allergic reaction.
The full consultation and allergy profile including skin scratch tests and lung tests costs £140. A comprehensive allergy report and management plan is also sent to each patient after the consultation. A follow-up allergy consultation is not usually necessary, but if needed, the cost will be £100. The purpose of the follow up consultation for allergies would be to discuss complex test results, monitor response to treatment and plan future allergy management strategies.