Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) it has been revealed that Surrey County Council have taken the very unpopular decision to spend £456,068.41 on it's current website. Many tax payers have been angered greatly at the expense, still in the middle of a recession.
The spending includes £8,000 on 'Parent Know How' directory, £7,495 on travel and traffic information, £20,573.41 on third party testing/maintenance software and an astonishing £48,000 on online recruitment software. Being a user generated website here at Surrey-Online.CO.UK (SOL), we are not financed by Surrey County Council.
With the MP expenses scandal people keep a much closer eye on how their tax money gets spent, especially with the cuts introduced by the coalition government. Many detractors have stated that they could have achieved more cost effective results if they have shopped around more. Many businesses manage to get an online presence on very low cost budget even through Surrey-Online.CO.UK (Check here -
get listed).
In comparison SOL was managed to be set up for around £20,000, at a fraction of the £456,068.41 Surrey County Council annual web budget. Councils will need to plan how they update their websites in future by being more prudent as to not create more controversy.
Click here to discuss how you would of liked that money to have been spent.
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