Surrey Prepares for Poppy Appeal
POSTED AT 09:44 AM on 26/09/2012
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There have been some reports recently of a possible Poppy Appeal scam occurring in Walton, however we've discovered that these claims may have been misinterpreted.
A warning was sent out by the Walton branch of the Surrey Army Cadets of a scam revolving around the annual poppy appeal dedicated to supporting the whole Armed Forces community.
Below is the warning we received:
"It was brought to our attention today by TWO totally unrelated people, that someone is going around already trying to collect for the Poppy Appeal.
I was told of a lady trying to hand out boxes.
PLEASE, if you see anybody trying to sell poppies or asking to leave a collection box in any shop, prior to October 26th, please call the police on 101.
The national launch date is October 26th, so anybody seen before that date is acting illegally."
The boxes being handed out to shops and other volunteers at this time is perfectly legal and acceptable, however if anyone tries to sell poppies before October 26 is acting outside of the law and should be reported to the police.
You can find out more about the poppy appeal on the
British legion site.
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