Holes in the Road
POSTED AT 01:28 PM on 17/02/2009
Received 2 Comments
It looks like the economy is not the only reason for a bumpy year ahead.
It was beautiful out there when snow was covering everything around us. Now the has snow gone, winter has gone and we are left with quite an impressive number of holes in Surrey's roads. Responsibility for maintaining our roads lies with different agencies and authorities - it probably all depends on the importance of the particular road and its ownership.
We can see some effort out there and the most dangerous deep defects we believe have been repaired.
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We have interesting subject here I just walked Station Avenue in Walton yesterday about 35 holes between station and Ashley Rd (roughly 500 yards) each over square feet and minimum 2 inches deep.
Who is going to deal with these?
04:12 PM GMT 23/02/2009
A funny story. Rydens road in Walton has recently been resurfaced - not that there was much wrong with it in the first place. A little after that was done the gas company dug across it. Surely there could have been some better communication between people like this.
Similar scenario was when Cottimore lane was closed for 12 weeks for a gas main replacement After it was reopened they had just patched up where they had worked. A little bit of communication and it could have been resurfaced at the same time. As lets face it, it needs it.
10:14 PM GMT 24/02/2009